A sequence of quadratic programming problems is thus obtained and than solved by quasi-analytical method based on the dual theory of nonlinear programming. 特别是利用序列近似问题代替原优化问题的概念是一自然的而又重要的发展。
In the progress of deducing the dual of these two problems using the knowledge of convex programming and generalized Fenchel theory, you can find Lagrange dual of the two programming by Lagrange dual in nonlinear programming in this article. 同时,发现由非线性规划中Lagrange对偶可以获得这两类问题的Lagrange对偶规划,且推导过程中没有涉及很深的数学知识,使得应用更为广泛。
A Dual Problem for Nonlinear Programming 非线性规划的对偶问题
⒊ The scaling laws are derived from different perspectives, using entropy-maximizing methods in macro-level and utility-maximizing method in micro-level, consequently a pair of dual models based on the idea from nonlinear programming are built to interpret both the scaling laws and thus power laws. ⒊借助熵最大化方法从宏观上推导了标度律,利用效用最大化原理从微观上导出了标度律,然后建设了熵与效用最大化的对偶转换模型;
This dissertation studies mainly theories and according numerical implementation of a class of dual algorithms for nonlinear optimization problems, including unconstrained minimax problems and constrained nonlinear programming problems. 本文主要研究非线性优化中的一类对偶算法,包括无约束极大极小问题的对偶算法和约束非线性规划问题的一类对偶算法的理论与相应的数值实现。
A pair of second order symmetric dual nonlinear programming problem are formulated and duality theorems are proved. 这篇文章提出了一对二阶对称对偶模型并建立了对偶性定理。